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About GPT

GPT's proprietor is Ekkehard Hübschmann, PhD, who founded the company in June 2007.

Ekkehard Hübschmann began to research in archives on historical topics at the age of 16. His professional career in edition science at the University of Bayreuth since 1989 took him to numerous archives in Switzerland, Germany, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Poland.

His PhD thesis about the Life and Work of the Handweavers in Upper Franconia (Bavaria), Bohemia and Saxonian Vogtland in the 20th Century (University of Bayreuth 2004) had an historical approach and combined the disciplines of Socio Anthropology and German Dialectology.

In 1990, the Jewish History in Franconia in Modern Times became another central research interest. It focused on emancipation, emigration to North America, First World War, Nazi persecution of Jews, deportation, restitution and compensation, commemoration of victims, and above all family history. Ekkehard Hübschmann distributed his research results in publications and lectures. (See the list of publications and lectures.)

Research and conference trips conducted by Dr. Hübschmann took him to the following archives:

• Archives départementales de Paris

• Archiwum Państwowe w Koszalinie (State Archives Koszalin)

• Archiwum Państwowe w Poznaniu (State Archives Poznan)

• Archiwum Państwowe w Poznaniu Oddzial w Pile (State Archives Poznan, Piła branch)

• Archiwum Państwowe w Szczecinie (State Archives Szczecin)

• Center for Jewish Studies in New York

• Central Archives for the History of the Jewish People in Jerusalem

• Family History Library in Salt Lake City

• Mémorial de la Shoah – Musée et centre de documentation in Paris

• Národní archiv v Praze (National Archives Prague)

• United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington D.C.

• Yad Vashem Archives in Jerusalem

and in addition to many district and city archives, for example to:

• Louny, Ústecký kraj, Czech Republic (former Laun)

• Wronki, woj. wielkopolski, Poland (former Wronke)

• Złotów, woj. wielkopolski, Poland (former Flatow, West Preussia)


GPT carried out numerous research projects on Jewish and non-Jewish (Christian) family history and genealogy in many places, for example:



• Nordrach (Black Forest)


• Berlin

Bavaria, Lower Franconia

• Bad Kissingen

• Homburg am Main

• Hüttenheim

• Mellrichstadt

• Mühlfeld

• Nordheim v.d. Rhön

• Oberlauringen (Stadt Lauringen)

• Oberwaldbehrungen

• Weimarschmieden

• Willmars

Bavaria, Middle Franconia

• Ansbach

• Feuchtwangen

• Forth

• Fürth

• Georgensgmünd

• Hüttenbach

• Leutershausen

• Marktbreit

• Mönchsroth

• Pappenheim

• Schnaittach

• Sugenheim

• Treuchtlingen

• Ullstadt

• Wassertrüdingen

• Welbhausen

Bavaria, Upper Franconia

• Aufseß (Aufsess)

• Bayreuth

• Burgkunstadt (former Burgkundstadt)

• Buttenheim

• Dormitz

• Ebneth

• Frensdorf

• Heiligenstadt

• Hof a.d. Saale

• Hollfeld

• Kirchlein

• Kronach

• Marktredwitz

• Münchberg

• Oberlangenstadt

• Selb

• Tüchersfeld

Hessen (Hesse)

• Gedern

• Gilserberg

• Meerholz

• Wüstensachsen (Rhön), till 1866 Bavaria


• Barchfeld a.d. Werra. till 1944 Hessen

Česká republika (Czech Republic)

Lauen/Bohemia nc. Louny, Ústecký kraj

Polska (Poland)

• Flatow, West Prussia nc. Zlotów, Woj. wielkopolskie

• Lyck, East Prussia nc. Ełk, Woj. warmińsko-mazurskim

• Wronke, West Prussia nc. Wronki, Woj. wielkopolskie