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Compensation Offices in West GermanyAuthorities of the West German Federal States Responsible for the Federal Compensation Law (BEG) – Contact Information Compiled by Dr. Ekkehard Hübschmann, Harsdorf, Germany The original West German Federal Compensation Law (known as the Bundesentschädigungsgesetz or BEG) was enacted in 1952 by the government of West Germany for the compensation of victims of the Nazi tyranny. This law encompasses three separate German laws which were adopted in 1953, 1956 and 1965. According to these laws the Federal States (Bundesländer) had to execute the compensation and to establish compensation or indemnification offices. This is the reason why the names and the structures of these authorities differ from state to state. Changes are still going on. Help See as well the list of German main state archives at archives.html. |
State |
Office |
Address |
Phone |
Fax |
Baden-Württemberg |
Landesamt für
Besoldung und Versorgung Baden-Württemberg |
70730 Fellbach |
+49 711 /957-2060 |
+49 711/957-2002 |
Bayern (Bavaria) |
Landesamt für
Finanzen |
Prinz-Ludwig-Str. 5 |
+49 89/2190 01 |
+49 89/2190 1068 |
Berlin |
Landesamt für
Bürger- und Organisationsangelegenheiten |
Fehrbelliner Platz
1 |
+49 30/90269 0 |
+49 30/90269 5100 |
Bremen |
Der Senator für
Wirtschaft, Arbeit und Häfen |
Contrescarpe 72 |
+49 421/361-5155 |
+49 421 361 10059 |
Hamburg |
Freie und
Hansestadt Hamburg Behörde für Soziales und Familie |
5 |
+49 40/42863 7222 |
+49 40/42863 7159 |
Hessen (Hesse) |
Darmstadt |
Postfach 4809 |
+49 611/32-2073 |
+49 611/322055 |
Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) |
OFD Niedersachsen, |
30149 Hannover |
+49 511/925-2617 |
+49 511/925-2633 |
Nordrhein-Westphalen (North Rhine-Westphalia) |
Düsseldorf |
Am Bonneshof 35 |
+49 211/475-3053 |
+49 211 475-3978 |
Rhineland-Palatinate / Rheinland-Pfalz |
Amt für Wiedergutmachung |
Postfach 1465 |
+49 6581/921-0 |
+49 6581/921150 |
Saarland |
des Saarlandes |
Hochstr. 67 |
+49 681/9978-2320 |
Schleswig-Holstein |
Schleswig-Holstein |
Postfach 1121 |
+49 431/988-5560 Mr. Petersen -5560 |
+49 431/988-5674 or - 5416 |
Bundeszentralkartei (Federal Central Register) |
Bundeszentralkartei |
Postfach 30 08 65
+49 211/475-3053 |
+49 211/475-3976 |
See as well Entschädigungsbehörden des Bundes und der Länder published by Landesamt für Finanzen of Rheinland-Pfalz.